Ayurvedic Abhyanga/Massage Therapy
A 2-day Training Workshop
This 2-day Training Workshop will be done in three steps
1) Lectures
2) Practical Demonstration of the Therapy
3) Individual Practice. Also the Participant will be provided with the Therapy Notes.
Teaching Language: English
Teacher: Ravindra Gangwani
What is Ayurvedic Massage (Abhyanga) - Techniques and Principles?
Ayurveda, the ancient science of healing from India, has always utilized massage as a part of its regimens for healing. From an Ayurvedic perspective, different forms of massage are useful to different people. The form of massage utilized is based upon a person’s constitution and imbalance. One’s constitution is the inherent balance of energies in his or her body and mind. In Ayurveda these are quantified in the understanding of the doshas. There are three doshas known as vata, pitta, and kapha. These three energies control the formation and functions of the body on the physical and emotional levels. In harmony the body is healthy, but as the doshas/three energies move out of harmony the body expresses itself in the form of disease. Each individual has their own unique balance of these energies. As a result, each individual expresses himself differently in the world.
This Therapy of Ayurvedic Abhyanga is designed to balance the five elements which in turn balances the three Body Humours/Energies Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
To know more about this Ayurvedic Abhyanga Therapy, You can Join The Training Workshop for two days in Brugge Belgium
The teaching of Ayurveda is for everyone who wants to Heal himself, family, friends and dear ones with the natural Healing Techniques. Ayurveda teaches us How to Live Healthy Physically Mentally and Emotionally
DATES: 14/10/2023 and 15/10/2023
22/06/2024 and 23/06/2024
HOURS: 10u30 -19u30
ADDRESS: Grace Full Life - Ganzenstraat 53, 8000 Brugge, België
PRICE: 350 EUR for 2 weekends - Incl. Syllabus, warm Ayurvedic meal and drinks
QUESTIONS: Contact Ravindra via dr.rrg@143@gmail.com and +918805770404 (WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal/Messenger)