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Ayurveda and Yoga Training Programs Grace Full Life vzw

Holistic Health Healing


Ayurveda and Yoga with its unique approach to digestion, nutrition, detoxification, the tridoshic theory and integrate this ancient wisdom in your day to day life

Group Classes 

By Inge De Backer


Learning to become a professional Ayurvedic massage therapist or an Ayurvedic practisioner by the teachings of Harish Johari 


anyone interested interested in health is welcome to attend and deepen their knowledge in Ayurveda


Group Classes

By Ravindra Gangwani

Join his classes encompassed with the traditional age old Holistic and Natural Remedies of Ayurveda and help yourself maximizing good health and preventing disease.

Individual Classes

One-on-one classes to learn the science and wisdom of Ayurveda towards self-healing 




Pancha Karma Program

By Ravindra Gangwani


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