Ayurvedic Therapist with 14 years of experience and founder of Grace Full Hands in Bruges. Inge received teachings through the knowledge of Frances Becker, senior teacher of Swami Sivananda Radha, who established the Yasodhara Ashram in Kootenay Bay, B.C. Canada, and John Marchant, founder of Yoga and Ayurveda Health - YAH, international school of Ayurveda.
Yoga and Ayurveda has settled down into my heart. I am feeling very grateful to give this knowledge back to others, and share its beauty with the world. ​Grateful to all those I may share this with, Thanks to all who are willing to connect to these teachings so we can bring forward a new way of feeling and another method of therapy can become manifest. Because the traditional ancient knowledge of the Healing Science of Ayurveda and Yoga is an intellectual, psychological, spiritual and poetic therapy where we can experience the holistic nature of the body. Capable of changing with each treatment, as is his mind, as well as other interior qualities.
May sincerity protect us all and be with us all.
Inge De Backer
Master in Ayurvedic healthcare with over 27 years of experience and founder of MBS Ayurvedic Center (Mind, Body and Soul) in Pune, India.
Since the last 10 years he organizes residential programs of ayurvedic panchakarma and yoga health retreats, dedicated to share his knowledge to therapists, bodyworkers, ayurvedic and yoga practitioners, health care workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, dieticians, (…)
Anyone interested in health is welcome to attend and deepen their knowledge of Ayurveda in his grace.