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Introduction to Five Senses Therapy - Massage with Facial Vital Points
A 4-day Training Workshop

5SENSES by Charlotte Lauwers Photography96.jpg

This 4- day Training Workshop will be done in three steps

1) Lectures
2) Practical Demonstration of the Therapy
3) Individual Practice. Also the Participant will be provided with the Therapy Notes.

Teaching Language: English
Teacher: Ravindra Gangwani


In this very moment you are seamlessly connected to the cosmos. The same deep intelligence that streams through the rivers flows through your bloodstream, and the same breath that nourishes your cells animates the life of a rain forest. Although it may seem like you are separate from the world “out there,” in reality your body and the universe are made up of the same molecules, obey the a principles, and are inextricably connected. 

More than 5,000 years ago, the Vedic sages of India understood what quantum physicists are just beginning to recognize: we are all part of an infinite field of intelligence that orchestrates all of the activities in the universe. With every breath, we exchange our personal energy with the energy of the universe, and we are constantly taking in impressions via the five sense organs—the ears, skin, eyes, tongue, and nose.

In Ayurveda, sensory impressions are considered crucial to Health. Just as the food we eat creates our bodily tissues, our sensory impressions determine the quality of our thoughts and emotions. If we want greater physical and emotional well-being, we can use sounds, feelings, sights, tastes, and smells to balance and heal ourselves. 
This Therapy of Five senses is done with the facial vital points designed to balance the five elements which in turn balances the three Body Humours Vata, Pitta and Kapha. As we are aware that whenever there is imbalance in the three Biological Humours it leads to disturbances in our physical health or mental health or both. By doing this therapy you can harmonise the three energies and set back into Good Health. 



The teaching of Ayurveda is for everyone who wants to Heal himself, family, friends and dear ones with the natural Healing Techniques. Ayurveda teaches us How to Live Healthy Physically Mentally and Emotionally 


DATES:  to be confirmed

HOURS: 10u30 -19u30

ADDRESS: Grace Full Life - Ganzenstraat 53, 8000 Brugge, België 


PRICE: 350 EUR for 2 weekends - Incl. Syllabus, warm Ayurvedic meal and drinks


QUESTIONS: Contact Ravindra via and +918805770404 (WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal/Messenger) 


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